10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
In Stock
A shaped flexible mouthpiece with loop rings that can be used in many ways. It gives direct pressure to turn if a rein is just attached to the ring in same way as loose ring. There are two loops on the ring, and if the cheekpiece is attached to the top, then when a rein is pulled it gives slight pressure on the poll and the corner of mouth. If the rein is attached to the bottom, then it applies more pressure.
In Stock
This copper double joint with loop rings bit can be used in many ways. It gives direct pressure to turn if a rein is just attached to the ring in same way as loose ring. There are two loops on the ring at top and bottom, and if the cheekpiece is attached to the top, then when a rein is pulled it gives slight pressure on the poll and the corner of mouth. If the rein is attached to the bottom, then it applies more pressure.
10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S4
10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1