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Tri Acta HA for Pets


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Integricare designed TRI-ACTA H.A. to be an effective joint treatment option for your pet that is experiencing age-related soreness, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, significant pain, or immobility. It can also be used to support joint healing after surgery. TRI-ACTA H.A. combines all the benefits of the regular TRI-ACTA formula with the addition of hyaluronic acid, which leads to improved viscosity of the synovial fluid in joints, providing maximum joint protection and excellent healing results. It is also designed to provide maximum protection against cartilage deterioration as well as actively repair worn-out cartilage.


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10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1



10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
