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TRM Good As Gold


SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

GOOD AS GOLD is a calming supplement that helps promote relaxed and attentive horses. A Dietary source of L-Tryptophan, Vitamin E & Vitamin B1 for Performance horses.

Instructions for Proper Use:
Pre-competition: Administer 50g orally on a full stomach once per day, 4 days prior to competition.
Stressful situations: Administer 50g orally on a full stomach once per day, 4 days prior to these situations. .

Good as Gold Paste
Administer a syringe the morning before competition. Where necessary administer a syringe the evening before competition.


SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

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10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1



10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
