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ProLine Mega Jug


SKU: V209 Categories: , ,

Mcintosh Pro Line Mega Jug replaces fluids and nutrients lost through sweat and heavy exercise.
Mega Jug replaces essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids that are excreted and / or burned through heavy workouts, gaming, racing, and dealing with hot weather.
Use Mega Jug before and after racing or competing. Prevent fatigue!
Two doses (50 ml) prior to event. Two doses (50 ml) after race or event. On workout days or exercising days use 1 dose (25 ml).

100 ml (4 dose) tube

Hurry! only 33 left in stock.
SKU: V209 Categories: , ,

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10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1



10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
