10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
Made in the UK, The Haymobil by Parallax is sure to change the life of any horse owner! This revolutionary portable Slow Feeder/Hay Soaker/Water Trough can be used in the stable, in the field, in the trailer, and everywhere in between… It’s simple to wheel from place to place! It has a large capacity (approx. 6kg of dry hay/haylage), and is made from durable Parallax Plastic which will not crack or split in cold weather conditions!
Price $595.00
Dimensions: 28 x 22 x 40″ (70 x 55 x 100cm)
*Wall fastening kit is optional and sold separately.
10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1
10 Humber Street
Stratford , Ontario
N5A 6S1